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University of Patras
Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Technology
Applied Electronics Laboratory
Project Main Issues

The RMCLab Project's goals:

In the world of the industrial automation, the success of networking concurs to introduce innovation and to experience new methodologies for remote control of instrumentation and processes. Standard network technologies and programming languages applied to the development of distributed software and hardware systems lead to the remote management (access and control), testing and diagnosis of educational and industrial systems.

Computer Network scalability and interoperability gain high modularity in the development of new PC-Based instrumentation and improve the sharing of measure and control activities involving acquisition and presentation of measured data. Real time processing of acquired data is already availiable on Intranet's and almost availiable on Internet. Although RMCLab doesn't demand high rates of data tranfers, today Internet via modem forces RMCLab to non-real-time, but not far enough from real-time.

RMCLab Project Architecture:

The RMCLab Project concluded in a wide platform that gains in providing the tools for the developers to create their own experiments to run under RMCLab. These tools combine strong users management and policy, the so-called Group Manager, together with a powerful tool, the so-called Scenario Builder, implementing custom scenarios of lab experiments.

A typical scenario of a RMCLab-Based experiment can contain:

  • images for experiment circuitry and/or electronic diagrams
  • hardware elements, including
    • input and test points (hot-spot references for users)
    • switches to control digital values
    • variable capacitors/inductors/resistors
    • variable source
  • text information for the experiment (seperated in guided steps)
  • querys, such as multiple choice, single value and free text questions

This powerful platform is already working and based on a typical client/server paradigm:

  • on the client side users of RMCLab are connected to the RMCLab Server (via Intranet or Internet)
  • on the server side, the RMCLab Server allows users to access the RMCLab and the services provided, such as user preferences, security, etc.

The language solution adopted from the RMCLab development team to implement the RMCLab is the standard Microsoft ™ Visual Studio ®.

RMCLab Activities:


View a real photo of RMCLab Server Hardware & Instrumentation:


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